Self-Managed Superfunds
There are a number of valid reasons and circumstances why a Self Managed Superannuation Fund can be a suitable superannuation fund structure for you. For example, you may be able to hold your real business property inside your SMSF, you may wish to include gearing via LRBA arrangements and invest in direct property, or you have complex Estate Planning circumstances. However, there is a large number of people that have their own SMSF with little value add and potentially high fees.
SMSFs do have their place though and when carefully analysed can be a very useful and beneficial investment structure. However, SMSFs also involve a high level of administrative burden and compliance obligations from trustees, which is far from suitable for everyone, so we are critical of SMSFs that have been established for no real purpose. There are a number of alternatives that enable you to control and direct your own superannuation investments as you would for any investment portfolio outside of superannuation but do not require you to run your own SMSF.
It is worth making an informed decision, we will assist you in evaluating what best suits you.