Estate Planning
Thinking about Estate Planning can often be an uncomfortable matter as it means thinking about a time after ‘we are gone’. At the same time this thought may also feel very surreal and a long time away, which is probably why it never feels urgent to get estate planning arrangements in order. Those may be the reasons why estate planning is often a neglected part of people’s overall financial circumstances.
However, the consequences can be significant and may range from significant tax implications for your loved ones due to opportunities missed with regard to testamentary trusts, significant wealth being transferred to children at young adult age who may not yet be mature enough to deal with inheritances of a large scale, to public trustees being appointed where one dies intestate.
A well thought through Estate plan however does not only put provisions in place for the worst case scenario, but also addresses health events where you are no longer able to make legal, financial and lifestyle decisions on your own while still alive.
As financial advisers we see ourselves as conductors of a symphony, ensuring all pieces of your financial life are in the right place and harmonise with the remaining orchestra.